Home Trading Trading Instruments Indices

Index trading

Trade CFDs on major indices.

S&P 500, DAX 30, CAC 40, Nasdaq 100, and others.

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Bid 7524.1
Ask 7525.2
Percentage +12.20%
Bid 4865.8
Ask 4867.4
Percentage +22.83%
Bid 11183.80
Ask 11188.10
Percentage +33.23%
Bid 8310.5
Ask 8312.5
Percentage +11.35%
Bid 5460.2
Ask 5461.1
Percentage +35.22%
Bid 40618
Ask 40629
Percentage +18.60%
Bid 19025.3
Ask 19026.8
Percentage +59.91%
Bid 38228
Ask 38234
Percentage +34.71%
Bid 17102.6
Ask 17111.6
Percentage -3.26%
Bid 7973.9
Ask 7975.8
Percentage +9.84%
*Prices are included for illistrative purposes only. Click on a symbol to see the trading conditions.

Index CFDs

Indices show price changes of certain categories of securities and reflect the general state of the stock market. Index trading is widely popular among traders due to risk diversification. Despite the frequent significant swings on the securities market, index traders are insured against drawdowns due to the variety of stocks included in indices.

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